The Westport Library, RTM Seeking Candidates for Library Board of Trustees

The Westport Library Board and Westport’s Representative Town Meeting are seeking candidates to fill vacancies on the Library Board of Trustees.

The trustee position presents an opportunity for civic-minded individuals to make a significant impact and contribute to the continued success of The Westport Library. Trustees are instrumental in guiding the Library's mission and ensuring that the Library remains a vital resource for the community.

Trustee responsibilities include:

  • Acting as an ambassador and advocate for The Westport Library, promoting its mission, vision, and strategic initiatives.
  • Collaborating closely with the Library’s executive director, supporting fundraising efforts, policies, and strategic priorities.
  • Engaging in stewardship activities, including budgetary oversight, fiscal responsibility, and financial alignment with fundraising goals.
  • Participating in hiring and evaluating the executive director.
  • Regularly attending and contributing constructively to board meetings and discussions.
  • Serving on committees as assigned by the board president.
  • Representing the Library at community events.
  • Ensuring the efficient and productive operation of the Library.
  • Staying informed about Library issues and relevant laws.

To apply to be a Library trustee, candidates must be residents of the Town of Westport as of June 30, 2024.

Additional qualifications are a track record in fundraising and connections within the community, knowledge of public funding, and service on other boards. Skills in management, planning, marketing, finance, and law are valued.

Trustee appointments typically span four years, commencing on July 1, 2025. Interested candidates should email a resume and letter of interest to Sally Presutto at no later than March 28, 2025. Applicants are encouraged to review the Library’s strategic vision and visit the Library’s website for more information about the role of the Board of Trustees.

Following the submission of materials, qualified candidates will be contacted with further information on the interview process.Candidate Posting:

Story link:

Submitted by EJ Crawford

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