Ridgefield Little League will celebrate Opening Day on Saturday, April 26, at 10 a.m. at Ciuccoli Field in Governors Park. This beloved community event marks the official start of the spring baseball season and draws over 1,000 attendees each year.
Opening Day is a special tradition that brings players, families, and supporters together. Highlights of the event include:
- A parade of teams featuring over 500 players, ranging from ages 4 to 12, as well as participants in the Holland League, which provides opportunities for children with physical and mental disabilities ages 4 to 18.
- A recognition of the many sponsors whose support makes the league possible.
- A performance of the National Anthem by a local child.
- The ceremonial first pitch, which will be thrown by former Ridgefield Little League president Bryan Ward in honor of his years of dedication and service.
The Ridgefield Little League looks forward to another memorable season and welcomes the community to join in the celebration.
Learn more about Ridgefield Little League https://www.ridgefieldlittleleague.org/