Learn About Food in Propaganda & Politics at KTM&HC’s Taproom Tastings March 11

The next installment of Taproom Tastings, Keeler Tavern Museum & History Center’s popular virtual program, is Tuesday, March 11 at 7:00 p.m. Join KTM&HC Chief Curator Catherine Prescott and Hendrick I. Lott House Executive Director Mary Tsaltas-Ottomanelli as they investigate food in propaganda and politics. 

Catherine and Mary’s relaxed, conversational style is an engaging way to get unique and entertaining insights into America’s culinary histories and learn how food and drink have long been central to building and maintaining community and cultural identity. 

From bread riots and beer price-fixing scandals to Victory Gardens and the "Got Milk" campaign, food has had a profound impact on policy and politics throughout history. In March, Catherine and Mary will explore how food was used in propaganda and politics in the 18th and 19th centuries. 

The Taproom Tastings virtual series runs monthly through May. Upcoming episode topics include wine and 19th-century health and wellness. The programs are free for all, with a suggested donation of $10, and registration is required. To register for this month’s episode on March 11, or to register for any of the season’s upcoming episodes, go to www.keelertavernmuseum.org/events.  

Submitted by Katie Burton

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