Dr. R. Isabela Morales to Present at KTM&HC on March 23

KTM&HC's Revolutionary Perspectives series continues Sunday, March 23 at 3 p.m. with an in-person talk by Dr. R. Isabela Morales in the historic Garden House. 

KTM&HC's Revolutionary Perspectives series celebrates innovative approaches to how we discover, interpret, and share American history, with an emphasis on themes of memory and identity. The series is supported by a grant from the Wadsworth R. Lewis Fund.

On March 23, KTM&HC will welcome Dr. Morales, an author, historian, and museum professional, to discuss her award-winning book Happy Dreams of Liberty: An American Family in Slavery and Freedom, a multi-generational history of the Townsend family. Born into slavery in Alabama, the Townsends won their freedom in 1860 and spent their lives pursuing social and economic mobility in a hostile society. Through careful research and compelling storytelling, Dr. Morales encourages readers to discover what one extraordinary American family can tell us about race, money, and opportunity in U.S. history.

Happy Dreams of Liberty is the winner of the Frederick Douglass Book Prize, the foremost international book award for the history of slavery and emancipation, and the Tom Watson Brown Book Award, one of the most prestigious book prizes in Civil War history. Dr. Morales is the founding editor of the Princeton & Slavery Project at Princeton University and the Education and Exhibit Manager at the Stoutsburg Sourland African American Museum, Central New Jersey's first dedicated Black history museum.

Reserve your tickets to this free program, held at KTM&HC’s historic Garden House, at www.keelertavernmuseum.org/events. Parking is available onsite at 152 Main Street, Ridgefield. 

Submitted by Katie Burton

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