New 959 Area Code is coming to Connecticut

Effective August 30, Connecticut will begin issuing phone numbers with a third area code: 959.

Connecticut residents requesting new service, an additional line, or in some cases, moving their service may be assigned a number in the new 959 area code. The 959 area code will co-exist everywhere in Connecticut with the 860 area code. Residents should continue to identify their telephone number as a ten digit number (Area Code + 7 digit telephone number), and include the area code when giving the number to their friends, family, business associates and customers, etc. They should also ensure that all services, automatic dialing equipment, or other types of equipment recognize the new 959 area code as a valid area code. 

If you have any questions regarding information provided in this notice, you can visit the Connecticut Public Utilities
Regulatory Authority's website at

Submitted by New Milford, CT

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