Snow Prep
Request from Public Works: Several storms may be coming our way, including one tomorrow night which will bring 3 to 6 inches of snow. Please make sure to keep the roads clear by: bringing in garbage pails, not parking on the roads, and bringing in any basketball nets that may be in the road. The Town is not responsible for any damage occurring to these items if not addressed prior to snow removal.
School Budget
The Board of Ed received their 2025-2026 Budget Presentation with a requested 9.83% increase in funding. It’s a startling number that reflects significant increases in costs that are out of our control, including healthcare insurance, contractual obligations, and special education costs. With the exception of these items, the budget is flat. We will likely need to make difficult budget reductions while preserving valuable programs. Stay engaged in the process by attending or watching the Board of Ed budget meetings on Tuesday, February 11th and Thursday, February 13th at Town Hall Meeting Room E at 7 pm. Access budget documents from the school financial dashboard at https://sites.google.com/bethel.k12.ct.us/bethelpublicschools/financial-dashboard
One bright spot for the revenue side of the budget: It looks like Bethel will receive a $1.3 million increase in Education Cost Share (ECS) funding, which will reduce the impact on taxes. Do not confuse ECS with Excess Cost funding which is for special education. Remember this is a process and there are still some unknowns that could still work in our favor, such has health insurance adjustments and actions in the legislature.
Town department heads from will present their budgets to the Board of Selectmen and Board of Finance on the next three Tuesdays, February 11th, 18th, and 25th at 7 pm in Town Hall Meeting Room A.
Office Hours
The next Office Hours is on February 12th from 6 pm to 7 pm at Town Hall in the First Selectman office.
6th Grade Teen Center
The Teen Center is opened to 6th graders through March on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 3:30pm to 5 pm and Fridays from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm, with open gym program that follows from 8:30 pm to 10 pm. Some of the fun activities your children can look forward to are baking, cooking, board games, video games, puzzles, and crafts. This is a pilot program, so use it if you want it to continue in the future. Call 203-778-7522 or email is teencenter@bethel-ct.gov with questions or for transportation assistance.
Carbon Monoxide
We have had a few calls to the fire departments this week for Carbon Monoxide detectors. Carbon monoxide is invisible, odorless, and can kill. It forms when fuels like gasoline, natural gas, propane, wood, charcoal, and kerosene do not burn completely. Breathing carbon monoxide can deprive the body of oxygen, and may lead to illness, unconsciousness, and death.
Domestic Abuse Hotline
Local municipal leaders and law enforcement joined The Center for Empowerment and Education for a legislative breakfast this week. Among the topics was the need to keep $1 million in critical funding from the Connecticut Department of Social services to support Connecticut’s statewide domestic violence hotline. If you would like to contact your legislators on this or any other issue, visit https://www.cga.ct.gov/asp/menu/cgafindleg.asp.
Showcase your business prominently in the heart of Downtown Bethel with eye-catching lamppost banners on Greenwood Avenue. These high-quality banners are designed to attract attention and promote local businesses and chamber members effectively. Visit https://bethelchamberofcommerce.com/ for information.
Aaron Goldberg Jazz Trio Postponed
Due to inclement weather, "Bethel Arts Presents The Aaron Goldberg Jazz Trio" on tomorrow, February 8th has been postponed. If you purchased a ticket, you will receive a refund to your original purchase method and an email confirmation for the refund from Eventbrite. Please stay tuned for an announcement of a new date for this concert. For questions contact Bethel Arts at info@bethelarts.org.
BEF Mardi Gras Carnival
There is still time to get tickets for Bethel Education Foundation’s “Mardi Gras Carnival” on Saturday, March 1st at 6 pm. This event their largest fundraiser and includes dinner, dancing, and both live and silent auctions. The Dr. Janice Jordan Excellence in Education Awards are presented to educators whose creativity within the classroom, school or district has had a significant impact on student performance and achievement. Visit https://www.betheledfoundation.org/annual-benefit.html .
Bethel Business Network
The Bethel Business Network hosts Free networking sessions to help build your business at 8:30 am on Wednesdays at Jacqueline’s. Visit https://www.thebethelbusinessnetwork.com/ to learn more and register for the weekly newsletter.
- A shoutout to the BHS Debate Team! Willa Zalaznick and Jack Woleck took first place overall at their varsity tournament at Fitch High School Saturday! They beat a team from Joel Barlow in the final round in a 3-0 decision. Toshan Bhattacharya and Joe Corigliano came in 6th, and Andrew Santiago and Aidan Baddia were 8th. Willa Zalaznick took the award for 2nd speaker, Toshan Bhattacharya was 3rd, Aidan Baddia was 7th, and Joe Corigliano took 9th! In the novice division, the team of Akhil Sharma and Bhuvan Sai Dasari came in 4th place. Congratulations to all!
- The Lady Wildcats are 14-2 with a big win over Barlow this week! Good luck away against Kolbe Cathedral tonight!
- Good Luck to BHS Cheer in the tournament in Shelton tomorrow!
- A shout out to all the Bethel athletes competing in the SWC Track championship on Monday, February 10th at 6 pm at Southern Connecticut State University!
- A shoutout to DAWS puppies, Sprinkle, Zoe, and Marigold, who are competing in this year’s Puppy Bowl! Tune in and see if Team Ruff or Team Fluff will take home the "Lombarky" trophy on Sunday, February 9th at 2 pm on Animal Planet. Learn more about how you can support DAWS at https://daws.org/dawspuppybowl/.