Motor Vehicle Tax
Last year the State Legislature changed the way Bethel values motor vehicles from using the JD Powers Book to a depreciation model based on MSRP. The change essentially created an $828,000 reduction in revenue for the budget that would shift tax burden from motor vehicles to properties in town. The Governor signed a bill this week to allow towns to adopt a new depreciation schedule that essentially helps towns to phase in the shift in taxes from cars to properties.
Charter Revision
The Charter Revision Commission met this week. Among the concepts discussed, were moving to a 5-member board of selectmen and a 4-year term for members of the Board of Selectmen. The commission decided not to recommend a 5-member Board of Selectmen, but recommended a 4-year term for the Board of Selectmen. There will be a few public hearings this spring on all the recommendations and final recommendations will need to be voted on by the town. Charter changes will likely be on the November municipal election ballot.
The Board of Finance has completed a budget proposal and there will be a public hearing on Wednesday, March 19th at the Bethel High School auditorium at 7 pm. The Board of Finance will make necessary modifications on March 20th and present the budget to the Town Meeting on April 2nd at the Bethel High School auditorium at 7 pm. Check out the proposed budget here: https://bethel-ct.gov/depts-comptroller.
GoNetspeed Construction
The folks at GoNetspeed have informed us that they have completed construction in town. Wile we may not see a fleet of GoNetspeed trucks and workers around town, their high-speed fiber internet will be here to serve a little over 3,000 residents and businesses! If you are interested in the service, check out https://www.gonetspeed.com/connecticut/. Thanks, GoNetspeed for additional tool to help our local businesses and residents!
Office Hours
Questions or comments on anything Bethel, stop by for Office Hours on Tuesday, March 11th between 5 pm and 6:30 pm.
Town Meeting
There will be a Town Meeting on Tuesday, March 11th at 6:30 pm in the Town Hall Meeting Room A. Our charter requires a town meeting for any lease longer than 5 years. We are leasing our new voting tabulators for the state for $1.00 and the lease runs for 10 years. It’s a formality, but anyone who is a registered voter is welcome to stop in.
P&Z Hearings
On Tuesday, March 11th at 7:00 pm at Town Hall in Conference Room D, the Planning & Zoning
Commission will continue public hearings for 105 Milwaukee Ave. (8-30g affordable housing 12 units) and 53 Taylor Ave. (8-30g affordable housing 26 units) Learn more at https://bethel-ct.gov/2025-zoning.
Have an event to advertise? Don’t forget about the Bethel Community Calendar where residents and businesses can view, submit, and share local events. Check out and bookmark https://events.bethel-ct.gov/.
Spring Equinox Drum Circle
A drum circle might sound strange if you haven’t been to one, but everyone should try it sometime. Getting lost in the rhythm is an interesting experience! In celebration of the Spring Equinox, join the Spring Equinox Drum Circle tomorrow, March 8th from 3 pm to 4:30 pm at the gazebo in front of Town Hall. All backgrounds (those with or without prior drumming experience) and ages are welcome. Some percussion instruments will be available, but feel free to bring your own. Suggested donation $5 (to cover the cost of the facility. No personnel are paid for this circle).
Congresswoman Hayes Town Hall
Congresswoman Jahana Hayes is hosting a Town Hall on the federal budget this Sunday, March 5th from 2 pm to 3 pm at Avon High School, 510 W. Avon Rd. in Avon. Doors open at 1:45 pm.
Urinetown the Musical
Don’t forget the The Bethel High School On Stage Players will be performing Urinetown The Musical next weekend. See the show at Bethel High School on Friday, March 14th at 7 pm, Saturday March 15th at 7 pm, or Sunday March 16th at 2 pm. Adults $16 and Seniors and Students are $13. For information and tickets, visit https://www.bhstheaterboosters.com/.
Parm Dinner
St.Thomas’ Church is hosting their Chicken/Egplant Parm dinner on Saturday, March 15th from 5 pm to 7 pm. Dinner includes chicken and eggplant parm, pasta, salad, bread and dessert. Reservations are appreciated, especially for the Take-Outs. Dining and Take-Out pick-ups start at 5 pm. Adults are $15, kids under 16 are $8 with a family maximum of $45. For info and reservations, visit https://www.stthomasbethel.org/Dinner.
- Huge shoutouts, congrats, and accolades to both the Boys and Girls basketball teams who have advanced to the state semifinals! The Lady Wildcats play Bristol at Naugatuck High School on Monday, March 10th at 5 pm and the Boys play Bunnell at Newtown High School on Monday at 7 pm. Good Luck!!
- Good Luck to the BBDI IceCats in the opening round of States on Monday, March 10th at 3pm at the Danbury ice Arena!
- As this update is being written, both the IceCats and Swim team are battling for championships! Go get em!
- Congratulations to Beth Cavagna, our Town Planner, and Bob Dibble, our Highway Superintendent, on your well-deserved retirements! We appreciate your service to Bethel and wish you the best!